Joint Venture Proposes Apartment Units, Plus Retail and Restaurants in East Mesa

Article originally posted on Phoenix Business Journal on August 23, 2023

More than 60 acres in east Mesa could be home to a new multifamily community and shopping center.

Vivo Partners, Hawkins Cos., Greystar Worldwide and Bela Flor Communities are proposing Medina Station at the southeast corner of Signal Butte Road and Southern Avenue in east Mesa, located just to the north of U.S. Highway 60. The companies are proposing 851 residential units and nearly 250,000 square feet of commercial space across four parcels within the 60-acre site.

According to a development plan for the site, Vivo Partners would develop “Parcel A,” which would include 211,500 square feet of retail and another 35,300 square feet for restaurants. The majority of that space is expected to be taken by a major anchor tenant that would occupy about 148,000 square feet. That development plan lists “Target and retail pads and shops” for Parcel A.

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